If your company has a tank farm with a total storage volume of less than 1000 m3 and adheres the rules of location of tanks in accordance with the requirements of fire safety, then you do not need to obtain a license to operate such an object.
One of the activities of JSC "Belomortrans" is the operation and maintenance of petroleum, oils and lubricants bases, as well as additional services related to the operation of fuel and tank farms.
We provide the following services:
Our clients often face the problem of fuel theft, since it is the most liquid and demanded value in autonomous facilities. To prevent and minimize such losses, we recommend conducting an audit of the existing tank farm:
JSC "Belomortrans" provides an
Within a few days, a mobile team of our specialists will inspect your petroleum, oils and lubricants depot and carry out the necessary work to ensure the safety of your fuel.
We also provide services of setting up fuel storages in autonomous territories. Depending on the needs of the Customer and climatic and geographic conditions, it can be either a tank farm of flexible tanks or horizontal steel tanks.
Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be made based on a large number of significant points related to the location of the fleet, the method of delivery and acceptance of fuel, remoteness from the local infrastructure and the place of work, etc.
Please note that with regard to the location of the tank farm, we do not touch upon the issues of organizing hazardous production facilities that fall under the requirements of Federal Law No.116 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities."
The operation of petroleum, oils and lubricants bases for tank farms over 1000 m3 is a licensed type of activity in accordance with
JSC "Belomortrans" operates two bases of petroleum, oils and lubricants at the A. Titov and R. Trebs fields (License
The company’s services include:
To maintain HPF facilities, the personnel of our company is staffed with highly professional specialists who have not only all the necessary training and certification, but also extensive experience in maintaining of similar facilities.
Should you have any questions, please contact us by phoning at
All regions: | 8 (800) 700-49-06 |
Moscow: | 8 (495) 514-02-55 |
Email: | info@belomortrans.ru |